Respecting the University's and the Faculty's educational philosophy, the School of Nursing provides educational services based on the concept of “Nursing being a caring process which intervenes in human and environmental affairs with scientific knowledge and techniques, toward optimizing health in individuals, families and the population.”
The school will cultivate students to become professionals capable of assessing the diversified needs of people living in a changing society, and providing high-quality nursing services in cooperation with other professions.
Students of the school must enhance their qualities and abilities throughout their career, in order to contribute to the ongoing progress of nursing science, health, services and social welfare.
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Educational Goals

In order to achieve the Faculty's educational goals, our mission is to help students acquire, by the time of graduation, the following abilities:
- To take care of individuals, families, aggregates and communities, respecting their initiatives, advocating human rights and acquiring communication skills to form good relationships with them.
- To acquire related scientific knowledge and techniques, and accomplish nursing practice based on scientific evidence and the concept of human caring.
- To become aware of the leadership in collaboration and cooperation with other nurses, professions and citizens, and to serve as members of the nursing profession.
- To acquire the autonomous attitude of increasing one's knowledge, continue learning and researching throughout one's career, and to stay abreast of developments in the domestic and international nursing industry for contributing to society.